Monday, May 6, 2013

Early Wake-Up Call

i woke up rather early this morning considering i didn't need to be seeing how the office doesn't open till later today due to the weather, but i was eagerly awaiting the phone to ring. Master had said He would call this morning before going into work. i didn't want to miss that call. As the time dwindled down to when i knew He was to be at work, i thought about calling Him. i struggle with patience at times although i'm learning to be more so. But knowing He had not asked me to call and wake Him and knowing Him to be responsible and dependable, i remained quietly resting until that call came in. i know with Him, He does what He says He will do and i may depend upon that.

Amazing how the sound of His voice can evoke so much emotion from me! It may differ depending upon the situation, but this morning, just pure joy and contentment filled me as i closed my eyes and listened to His voice. How i wish He had been snuggled into our bed with me this morning. There is nothing i love more than waking up and cuddling up to Him with my head on His chest and hearing His voice deepened even more by sleep telling me He loves me. I can hardly wait until Wednesday for Him to come home. Hopefully today and tomorrow will pass quickly now that I'm able to go back to work and fill the hours with those tasks. That being said, I think I will go do a little more cleaning this morning before I have to get ready for work. I'm trying to clean and organize the house so as to provide the most welcoming and loving environment for Him and our children. But I have to admit washing baseboards and walls and windows is not my idea of fun. LOL But for my family, it's a task i take on gladly. And it's always a wonderful feeling to hear Him say how good the house looks etc and to hear and see that He is pleased.

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